Phone: (203) 979-8867
Email: Jim Locker

CenterPoint Partners LLC CPP logo

Creating Sustainable Performance Improvement

Case 6: Turnaround of Iconic Brand

"The value of an idea lies in the using of it." ~ Thomas Edison

Situation Former industry leader in consumer electronics had allowed their competitive position to erode and was in danger of closing
Background Nine consecutive years of losses, low margins and weak management team necessitated implementing a comprehensive turnaround plan
Analysis & Action:

Our Process
- Developed and introduced 21 new, higher margin products
- Acquired high end niche competitor and integrated into main brand
- Installed new management team across all functions
- Expanded product lines enter to mid-price and computer multi media
- Built new engineering and manufacturing facilities
- Received endorsements of category gurus to leverage brand value
Result - Increased margin by 22%
- Entered mass market distribution without losing specialty distribution
- Increased manufacturing efficiency by 16%
- Professionalized staff and re-established industry technical leadership